As you have already read, we meet a lot of desperate people here, some with a genuine desire to change and many without hope. We try to offer them a hope that is in Jesus, but sometimes even we feel without hope.
One day, between Christmas and the new year I (Beckie) was walking back home from the community, I was stopped by a very drunk man with a cup of cachaça (strong alcoholic drink) who clung onto me. He looked into my eyes intently, with his bloodshot and desperate eyes.
He asked, "are you a Christian?" "Yes," I responded, then he pleaded for prayer. He said he used to go to church, but now he can't stop drinking, he wanted God to help him quit. I offered to pray for him in the street, but he wanted to know where I lived. As the community center was close by I took him there, thinking that Dave could help me a bit. This man was truly a mess, he was barefoot, dirty, his face was slightly puffy and he was unable to remember any of what he had previously said to us, he even asked our dog if it was his girlfriend.
We threw away his drink and talked to him, we prayed for him with as much faith as we could muster. He said he was hungry, so we offered him food. Then he asked for money and we said no. After repeating the conversation a lot, we eventually managed to send him out (this was a bit difficult and Dave gave me a top tip to not let drunk guys in here again).
Why am I telling this long story? It is so typical of some of the people who live here. Well, on Saturday a group of us were walking back home through the slum. A man called out to me, I didn't know who he was. I looked closer, then he said, "I'm much better!" I realised it was this man. He was clean, smiling, totally able to focus...... I could barely recognise him. I am so thankful to God for hearing our prayers and also for showing me the difference he made in this man's life. Now I just have to leave him in God's hands and trust that God can do the impossible.