Here in Brazil there are a lot of really beautiful creatures which readers of this blog will probably not get the opportunity to experience unless they have or will visit this wonderful country. For example, there are beautiful bright blue butterflies the size of 2 hands next to each other. Although nice to look at, some of these creatures are not so nice to touch.
2 weeks ago Beckie accidentally touched a hairy caterpillar. These particular caterpillars look really the extent of making you want to stroke them. Beckie did not deliberately stroke it because she was warned about them, but what she did not know was just how nasty they can be. The hairs on them are hollow and inject an enzyme into the skin which then gets passed around the body. If the contact with them is long enough and enough of this enzyme enters the body then it can cause internal hemorrhaging. Sounds nasty, huh? Well it is! Beckie just lightly brushed against one and this caused extreme pain all up her left arm which travelled to her shoulder and then kinda stopped there, praise Jesus. But the pain remained for about 2 hours and she still has a caterpillar-shaped mark on her arm, kinda like a tattoo! The photo is of a similar type.
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