The situation is continuing to worsen in the favela. Last night there were more confrontations between the residents and the police. At 9.30pm another bus was torched (the little yellow one that serves the community), plus 2 cars and another car thrown into a ravine.
There had been reports that everything was peaceful after the police had arrested someone for the bus burning, but buses are continuing to be burnt and the police presence is causing chaos. There are protests and people crying out for justice. The police have come in, trying to disperse groups with rubber bullets, but the residents are stoning the police cars. People are being wounded, many people are very angry or afraid.
It is crazy,even in the news they are reporting that a witness disagrees with the police testimony of how the 2 guys were killed, and now this witness is being protected.
As a result, we have no buses here now (taxi's will also refuse to come here), people are unable to get to work, at least one crèche is unable to open because the electricity is off (due to things being burned), police presence is high and everyone has to carry ID and be prepared to be searched. I have just heard that we won't have any fruit or vegetables delivered (11am) as the police are blocking anyone from coming up into the slum.
How does this improve things for those who live here? Is this just a big power struggle between the police and the drug lords? Are both sides expecting that they will win?
Please pray
WE are praying for your safety, and also that you will know God's presence with you as you shine his light into that dark corner of his world. Upheaval seems to be happening everywhere, and sometimes it is difficult to see God at work, but he is. Let his peace reign in your hearts. love you all. Anne
This is to tell you that we are praying for you. Please be careful.
We are praying for you all, for wisdom, justice and peace to over rule, God bless Maryanne, Neil, Jules and Grace xxxx
praying for you xxxx Julie and Derek
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