Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where to begin? I think I'll start with a dedication to my dear brother Jonathan and talk about...
the weather. More rain and more spectacular storms. Josiah said he was told today by one of the staff to remain inside during a close storm because they are dangerous!
Today has been a day of trying to get back into a routine with the boys, which has proven difficult. Both of them were unmotivated in doing their home-school work which caused arguements. This was compounded by me (David) needing to use the computer to write up a Bible Analysis report on Exodus. Sometimes these things don't seem to 'work' like they should...or like we want them to.
However, once the school work was over, Gideon and I got down to some more drum cleaning while Josiah had his computer time and Beckie walked down the hill to the shops.
Something interesting we are learning at the moment (not in class) is to gain greater understanding as to what it means to persevere because when we face trials and persecution, according to James 1v2-12, we grow in perseverence in our faith. Pretty cool huh? Actually, it does not feel it at the time but if these verses are in mind when going through difficult times then it is easier to "consider it pure joy"(v2) knowing that "joy of the Lord is our strength" (Nehamiah 8v10)

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