Sunday, March 9, 2008

The trip to the red light district was fascinating. It was a real eye opener to one of the big problems here. We went to an area that was only a 3 minute walk from the main shopping area, there were many roads that joined together, all very busy (mid afternoon). There are cinemas, bars and places where they have shows. Plus there are lots of doorways with stairs going up, sometimes with a man on guard at the bottom. I was amazed at how busy these places were, men were coming and going, up and down the stairs all of the time. I found myself really struggling to evangelise, I couldn't speak the language, and even if I could, what would I really say? I really wanted to speak to some of the women, but our groups went to talk to people in the streets. I found myself praying for one of the team members, who was chatting with and praying for lots of the guys who were sitting on the steps by the streets. I was also observing the guys and praying for God to do something in their hearts, it was strange to actually see the guilt on their faces as they left the buildings.
It is so strange to think that women (and even very young women) are so poor that they are available for the equivalent of £1-£3. It seems to become like leaving the shopping centre and going for a cup of coffee somewhere.

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