Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The last couple of days with my group (Beckie's) have been quite fun......
I tried to tell my first bible story in Portuguese, I think they understood most of it, but I was very glad to be able to slip back into English for the application. The annoying thing was that the night before this I was unable to sleep because I had this story going round and round my head, in Portuguese.
The next day we did a couple of teamwork activities using rope. I was really impressed at how well they looked after each other and listened to each other. Then we went skating, and all of the boys forgot about teamwork, instead they tried to knock each other over and then give each other a kick!!! Oh seems that boys will be boys, and there is still lots of work to be done socially.

1 comment:

Roger and Mary said...

Fantastic artwork, Beckie. Had to get my eyes in focus initially to work out that the photo was not just a cartoon you had posted! So glad to have some of your artwork home here, too.

Well done for attempting a Bible story in Portuguese. A great 'first'. shame about the sleepless night!

Love to all, R and M