Sunday, August 1, 2010

So, time has flown by, we've been very busy and we've had a great time. The first team (from our home church) has actually been and gone, and as I type, we are waiting for the second team (also from England). At the lighthouse, we had 2 weeks of slightly different activities, hopefully giving a flavour of the community and the vision of this place to the team. We opened up to a schools holiday program, visited families, climbed and prayed on mountains, ran a crazy "olympics" week (for the children from the groups here), among other things. The team also helped us to embark on 2 major painting projects, both finished after much hard work (and paint in hair).
Here is a photo of the finished mural, just before the entrance gate. It's visible from far away in the slum, because of all of the bright colours.

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