Sunday, July 6, 2008

On Friday we celebrated the 'June Festival' - it is the time of year when the corn harvest is gathered in and when Catholics celebrate Saint John. In the North East of Brazil this festival is more important than Christmas to some. Although we at YWAM do not celebrate the 'Saint' part of the festival we did have a big party with all of the staff and some children from the housesbeing transported to the Lighthouse to have fun together. There were traditional fairground-type games like hoopla and catching fish and many food stalls. The interesting thing about it here though was everything was free....all the traditinonal food and the games. We all had a great time.

It is great when God teaches us through our children. I love it and am often challenged by it. Firstly, during our Thursday evening base service, God gave Josiah a vision which he then nervously shared with everyone. It was so cool to see him telling the Belo Horizonte YWAM base what God wanted to show them.
Another great thing is Gideon. He has got a new friend and as I am typing this Gideon is round his friend's house playing with him. What is so profound about that? Well...this new friend is the child that stole the boys toys while we were away on outreach for 6 weeks. At first, Gideon wanted him dead but now thy are good friends! We never got any of the things back either. God is so good enabling us to bless those who give us a hard time and, in the case of Gideon, has shown him how to love someone who he perceived was his enemy. Fantastic!

1 comment:

mum & dad said...

Wow God is so good. How we can all learn from this. Even though we are able to spend time on skype with you all, we still hear more good news on the blog...Praise be for everything. Love Mum xx