Sunday, June 7, 2009

I (Dave) have just come in from starting the car!!! This may not seem something strange to most car users who are reading this but for the past few weeks we have been involved in team building exercises to start our car.....namely getting a bunch of people together to push it. So, this weekend, Josiah and I have replaced the old generator in our 1970 VW Beetle (Fusca) with a brand new alternator. This involved taking most of the engine apart, fitting the new part and putting it all back together again, and rewiring some parts too in creative ways. It was a great father/son thing to do together and I am putting it as a blog entry simply because I am so pleased that it all works.
I am not a mechanic but i am confident when I do practical tasks so am willing to undertake almost anything (bricklaying is a challenge for me though). There is a secret to this which I learnt a long time ago and which I put into practice nearly every time I need to fix something. It is this: God knows all things, therefore He is the best person to ask when I do not know how to do a certain job. I simply pray and then the ideas just flow. It works every time. So, my confidence comes from Him. Something too difficult for you? Ask the One Who Knows....and wait expectantly for an answer. God is a practical God too.