Thursday, March 18, 2010

We have recently heard that a local boy that many of us have worked with had a nasty accident. He was trying to catch a free ride, holding onto the back of a bus when he fell off and smashed up his head. He is currently in intensive care, showing some signs of improvement, but still in a coma. This boy is one of the first that I got to know here, I really love him, even though he gives a lot of work and is somewhat unruly. We have been praying for him and several have been to visit.
One thing his mother has been pressured to do is get 16 people to give blood to replace the stocks that he used. So, several of the team went to give blood yesterday. I was quite surprised to discover that English people (or anyone who lived in the UK before 1996) are not allowed to give blood in Brazil because of the risk of CJD (mad cow disease). I was quite disappointed to be unable to donate.
Please pray with us that he will make a full recovery.

1 comment:

Roger and Mary said...

Hope the boy makes a good recovery. He will be amazed at you all caring enough to donate blood, even tho you had the disappointment of yours not being accepted.

Love R & M