Friday, May 2, 2008

Things don't always go well....
I just thought I'd let you all know about a disaster. Last night we had a service here at the community center. The kids all came really early (about 1.5hrs early). So by the time our service began they were completely hyped up. The other problem was that we hadn't planned enough activities. Added to that our venue was crazy, a health and safety nightmare. It was pouring with rain, the roof was leaking, the floor was very unlevel, there are windows all the way around, several with no glass in. So when we had to think on our feet, none of us could think of a safe game to play in that space, added to that at times we didn't have a Portuguese speaker.
We were all so glad when the time came to hand out food, at least all of the kids sat down and ate (very happily). We're not too worried about it, at least we learn how to prepare better and take into consideration venue difficulties. We keep learning.

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