Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One thing Josiah has liked about being in Brazil is that he has had more free time (as homeschooling is more concentrated he gets the work done quicker). This has really helped his drawing ability, as he has been practising how to draw cars. We have one wall that is almost wallpapered with his drawings of cars. This wall often attracts the attention of the boys in the groups, so a few times he has given classes to the groups to teach them how to draw cars. The last class was given 2 days ago, and at the time he was a bit discouraged as they were not listening well, and seemed to be messing around (this is normally quite a challenging group for 'sit down and listen' activities).
However, yesterday one of the boys (who didn't seem to listen) came running up to Josiah and said (full of enthusiasm) how he had managed to draw a car. Josiah was really encouraged and then another boy came running up and told him how he had drawn a car at home and would bring it to show him tomorrow. This has been so encouraging for Josiah, and it also shows me that sometimes (maybe often) what we see is not what is really going on. Many times children are learning far more than we realise.

1 comment:

mum & dad said...

Well done for sharing your gift with others, can't wait to see the wall. Not long now. Love Grandma x